Ronald McDonald House Mom

Amy’s Mother
Something Quite Special | Amy & Sally’s Story
“I’ve been blessed with a mom who is willing to drop everything and help out when needed. To see it in action, to this extent, is something quite special,” says Ronald McDonald House Mom, Amy Souers.
“We had a relatively uneventful pregnancy and an unexpected NICU admission,” remembers Amy. “For more than three weeks the Ronald McDonald House wrapped their arms around our family, and my mom dropped everything, pulling many long shifts at the hospital, helping me care for my son Jonathan.
Our NICU stay was during the heart of COVID. One word to describe our experience: Isolating. Two visitors in the NICU for your entire hospital stay (no matter how many days, weeks, or months that is). No siblings. You come and go, trading shifts with one other family member. My mom forced me to balance the situation and take care of myself as well as Jonathan. Knowing he was in good hands and well cared for made all the difference in being able to step away for a few hours of sleep, to take a breath, and often, to go home to see my husband and daughter for a couple of hours.”
“No words will ever be able to convey how hard this experience was on everyone,” remembers Amy’s mom, Sally. “After nearly a month in the NICU, Amy was exhausted emotionally and physically, trying to be there for Jonathan and her husband and daughter – that was hard to watch. But, Amy is so strong… She was amazing, inspiring really.
I’ve always admired Amy’s work ethic and her dedication to whatever she is trying to accomplish, but watching it all come together in support of her family was special. I’m proud of all that she has accomplished, but I’m most proud of watching her as a mom.
“The Ronald McDonald House helps make the unmanageable, manageable,” Amy says. “It kept me close to my child and gave me a place to sleep, shower, and eat a good meal each day.”

Jen Veatch
CEO, RMHC of Northeast Indiana
Oh, My Stars! | Jen’s Celebration
No matter how you choose to celebrate the special women in your life this Mother’s Day, I have found that it’s important to take time to reflect on their impact, and it’s in this spirit, that I celebrate my grandmother, Viola, this Mother’s Day.
She was positive, gentle, and wise with her guidance but never forceful. She was giving, understanding, and her faith was absolutely radiant and completely contagious. When surprised she would say “Oh, my stars” and when in crisis, she would proclaim, “The Lord has never failed me, and he won’t start now.” She had a way of strengthening my resolve even when the path was unclear and her eyes displayed constant kindness even through her pain.
She loved shredded wheat, Jesus, and pink roses. Her favorite song was “In the Garden” which says “I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses and He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own…” So, Lord, are there pink roses in your garden on the shores of Jubilee? Would you pick a dozen of your best and deliver them for me? Would you tell Grandma that I love her, and I know we’ll meet again? For then, we’ll pick roses together just like it’s always been.
In the Ronald McDonald House, it is our honor to celebrate and support moms every day. Last year, over 1,000 moms needed the care and comfort of the Ronald McDonald House during a medical crisis.
As Mother’s Day approaches and you prepare to celebrate a mom who is present, a mom no longer with us, a new mom, a mom-to-be, a mom who walked away, a mom of a fur-baby, a mom by adoption, or a mom by association, think of the strength given to you by these special women in your life and help us strengthen moms in crisis by making a gift.
Your gift will continue the circle of strength, care, and love you’ve received and pass it on to others in need.

RMHC of Northeast Indiana Mom
A Journey to Motherhood | Rhiannon’s Story
For 18 years, Rhiannon and Ryan were on a journey to be parents. “I took ‘thousands’ of pregnancy tests,” Rhiannon remembers, “they all ended in tears and disappointment. So, I was shocked to see a positive result last August. I wanted to be a mom my entire life, and at 44 years old, it was happening.”
Unfortunately, pregnancy wasn’t easy, “We’ve been through the ringer,” said Rhiannon. “An ultrasound appointment at 20 weeks revealed Vasa Previa, a rare pregnancy complication.
I was admitted to the hospital at 32 weeks. My doctor was concerned that the baby wasn’t gaining weight. So, baby Rex made an early arrival into the world. He’s in the NICU, and we’re waiting as he learns to eat and gains weight.”
“Staying in the Ronald McDonald House has given me peace of mind.
I eat breakfast and head to the NICU, and I’m there until bedtime. My husband, Ryan, stays in the House too, so he can help me manage my recovery and we can both be close Rex.
Talking with other parents has been valuable, and the volunteers have been so kind and supportive. It’s the little things that make a big difference, and you guys have thought of everything.
Please consider donating. This organization is the reason this mama was able to stay close to her baby.”