22 Feb The Stewart Family
“I still remember the day of that ultrasound,” says mom Jackie. “Our girls were mono-mono twins meaning they shared the same placenta and amniotic sac. This is an extremely rare situation and, for us, extremely dangerous since the girls’ umbilical cords were knotted. If something were to go wrong, we could lose them both quickly.
I was only 26 weeks when what we had been fearing happened, Baby B wasn’t getting any blood flow. I was rushed into an emergency C-section, and my baby girls, Pyper and Addyson, made it into the world. They were so small. We knew we were in for a long journey.”
“Because we lived almost an hour away from the hospital, our nurses insisted we check in to the Ronald McDonald House. Now, I don’t know how we would have survived four months of early mornings, late nights and hardly seeing each other. In the Ronald McDonald House, we were able to spend so much more time with Pyper and Addyson, and our 2-year-old daughter Amelya joined us a few nights a week and on weekends. We don’t know what we would have done without the Ronald McDonald House – they took care of everything. They even made sure there was coffee ready for early morning trips to work and when Amelya visited they had games and activities for her. We felt so comfortable in the house. Everyone knew our story. They made it their job to take care of us. We are so grateful that the Ronald McDonald House was there for us when we needed them.”