05 Mar The White Family
After more than a week of recurring fever, painful headaches and other odd symptoms the pediatrician couldn’t diagnose, the Whites took their 11 year-old son Devin to the emergency room.
The ER doctors diagnosed Devin with mono, rehydrated him, and sent him home. Later that night, Devin’s sister, Samia, who had insisted she sleep in Devin’s room, woke her parents because Devin was having a seizure.
Back at the ER, additional tests revealed Devin had viral meningitis. The Whites were told Devin had swelling on his brain and that there was no real treatment; they just had to wait and see. The Whites spent 12 days in the Ronald McDonald House while they waited and prayed for their son to recover. “The comfort we felt at the Ronald McDonald House was immeasurable,” remembers Aisha. “It was so nice to have a place to eat, sleep and shower. We felt like we were at home even in the midst of such a difficult time.”